Monday, October 24, 2005

Brainstorm on Lesson Plan

I will probably do the same SOL I did my PowerPoint on, dealing with the Jim Crow South. This way I incorporate PowerPoint technology into what would originally be a bland presentation (Plus recycling is fun). In my dream world I will ty to incorporate everything we have discussed and then some. That means students can make their own websites and create multiple presentations about history.

As for this design, I think it is very useful but I will need to really investigate some models to fully graps the concept. Words like assessment, objectives are interesting words but they are too ambiguous for little old me. It'll be nice to have some concrete examples.


At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You did a great job with your objectives and reverse design. There is a good combination of resources used and the idea of having the initial feedback/concern loop before they get too far into the project is excellent.

For the tech version, a couple of suggestions: You might want to have them used Tapped-in rather than blogging their initial reactions. I think you would find that it would be easier to manage the centralized tapped-in format rather than the separate blogs, and the students will also get the benefit of having access to each others' comments on Tapped In.

The flickr project seems like an exciting option. I was a little surprised that you didn't make it the main assignment in the tech plan vs the paper as the assignment in the low tech version. I think students would really do some good work.

Nice work.


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